Breath Analysis
Delivering mEASUREMENT sOLUTIONS For Respiratory Research Applications
Breath analysis using quadrupole mass spectrometry is a powerful tool for detecting volatile organic compounds (VOCs) present in exhaled breath. Here are the general steps involved in using a quadrupole mass spectrometer for breath analysis:
Sample collection: Breath samples are typically collected in a breath collection bag or a specially designed breath sampler.
Sample preparation: The breath sample is then introduced into the mass spectrometer. This may involve dilution or pre-concentration steps to increase the sensitivity of the analysis.
Ionization: The breath sample is ionized using an ion source, such as electron impact (EI) or chemical ionization (CI). EI generates ions by bombarding the sample with high-energy electrons, while CI uses reagent ions to ionize the sample.
Mass analysis: The ionized molecules are separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) using a quadrupole mass filter. The quadrupole consists of four parallel rods arranged in a square or rectangular pattern. The voltage applied to these rods creates an oscillating electric field that selectively filters ions based on their m/z values.
Detection and analysis: The filtered ions are detected by a detector, such as a Faraday cup or electron multiplier. The signal generated by the detector is then processed and analyzed to determine the identity and concentration of the VOCs in the breath sample.
Quadrupole mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical tool for breath analysis and can be used in a wide range of applications, including medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and forensic analysis.
The EXTREL™ MAX300-LG is specifically designed to monitor breath analysis in real-time. It can provide continuous monitoring of breath VOCs, allowing for rapid detection of changes in VOC concentrations. This makes it an ideal tool for medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and forensic analysis.
Researchers focusing on the physiological or biomedical study of respiration and metabolism can use breath analysis data to reveal underlying processes within complex biological systems. Breath analysis is an exceptionally promising and rapidly developing field of research and requires high-performing instrumentation. Our innovative quadrupole MAX300-LG™ lab mass spectrometers are an ideal fit when you require an ultra-sensitive, multi-species spectroscopic breath analysis for real-time health monitoring.
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Here are the general steps involved in using the MAX300-LG for breath analysis:
Sample collection: The MAX300-LG is typically coupled to a breath collection device, such as a breath collection bag or a breath sampler. The device is used to collect a sample of exhaled breath, which is then introduced into the MAX300-LG for analysis.
Sample introduction: The breath sample is introduced into the MAX300-LG through an inlet system. The inlet system is designed to remove moisture and other contaminants from the breath sample, which can interfere with the analysis.
Ionization: The breath sample is ionized using an ion source, such as electron impact (EI) or chemical ionization (CI). The ion source generates ions by bombarding the sample with high-energy electrons or by using reagent ions to ionize the sample.
Mass analysis: The ionized molecules are separated based on their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) using a quadrupole mass filter. The quadrupole consists of four parallel rods arranged in a square or rectangular pattern. The voltage applied to these rods creates an oscillating electric field that selectively filters ions based on their m/z values.
Detection and analysis: The filtered ions are detected by a detector, such as a Faraday cup or electron multiplier. The signal generated by the detector is then processed and analyzed to determine the identity and concentration of the VOCs in the breath sample.