Continuous TOC, DOC & NPOC water quality analysis
For pure, drinking, surface and wastewater
Our LAR™ QuickTOCuv™ online TOC UV oxidation water analyzer is a powerful, online measurement system for the determination of TOC (Total Organic Carbon), NPOC (Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon), and DOC (dissolved organic carbon) in pure, drinking, surface and wastewater. Organic contaminants can be rapidly and economically analyzed even in pure water e.g., condensate return or boiler feed water. The QuickTOCuv online TOC UV oxidation water analyzer can easily determine TC and TOC using the UV persulphate method. In addition, different versions of this analyzer are available. It can also be used in EX zones. TOC determination is carried out in accordance with the standards DIN EN 1484:1997 and US-EPA 415.2.
It consists of a UV-reactor for oxidation of solute organic carbon, sample vessel for standard solution, sample transfer and precision tubing pump, acid filter, carrier gas drying and infrared analysis system. It is ideal for the continuous monitoring assures the quality of pure or ultrapure water, while protecting process equipment.
The reactor is the heart of the QuickTOCuv online TOC UV oxidation water analyzer as this is where UV oxidation takes place. A special external tube protects the user from hazardous UV rays. In addition, an internal tube made of quartz glass protects the UV lamp from direct contact with the sample. This allows us to guarantee safe operation for over 2 years. The QuickTOCuv automatically carries out regular checks to assess correct function of NDIR detector by zero-point correction and sensitivity tests. This ensures that any deviations are rapidly detected and guarantees precise results.
The measurement of TOC, TC, NPOC, and DOC with the QuickTOCuv is important in industry applications because of:
- Process optimization: TOC, TC, NPOC, and DOC measurements provide information about the quality of the water used in industrial processes. By monitoring these parameters, operators can adjust their processes to optimize performance and minimize waste.
- Environmental compliance: Many industries are required to meet certain water quality standards to comply with environmental regulations. Accurate measurement of TOC, TC, NPOC, and DOC can help industries ensure they are meeting these standards.
- Product quality: In industries where water is used as a component in products, the quality of the water can impact the quality of the final product. Accurate measurement of TOC, TC, NPOC, and DOC can help ensure that the water used in production meets the required quality standards.
- Cost savings: By monitoring TOC, TC, NPOC, and DOC levels, industries can identify opportunities to reduce waste and optimize processes, which can lead to cost savings.
- Safety: High levels of organic carbon in water can pose a safety risk, as they can promote the growth of harmful bacteria. Measuring TOC, TC, NPOC, and DOC levels can help industries ensure the safety of their employees and customers.
Our QuickTOCuv online TOC water analyzer is primarily used in industries that require continuous monitoring of organic pollutants in water samples like:
- Water Treatment Plants: Used in water treatment plants to monitor the organic content of water before and after treatment.
- Chemical Industry: Used to monitor the organic content of wastewater streams generated during chemical manufacturing processes.
- Food and Beverage Industry: Used to monitor the organic content of process water and wastewater generated during food and beverage production.
- Pharmaceutical Industry: The instrument is used to monitor the organic content of process water and wastewater generated during drug manufacturing processes.
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants: Used to monitor the organic content of wastewater streams entering and exiting municipal treatment plants.
- Power Plants: Used to monitor the organic content of cooling water and wastewater streams generated during power generation processes.
features & benefits
- Measurement range: 0,1 – 1,0 mg/l, 0,5 – 10 mg/l, 1 – 50 mg/l, 10 – 100 mg/l, 50 – 500 mg/l, 100 – 1,000 mg/l
- Recognized UV persulphate method
- Continuous determination of TOC, TC (total carbon), NPOC (Non-Purgeable Organic Carbon), and DOC (dissolved organic carbon)
- Accuracy of +/- 2 %
- Auto-calibration
- Automatic system check (zero-point correction, sensitivity)
- Reduced consumption of chemicals
- Certified housing for EX zones (EX p) (options for ATEX, IECEx, etc.)
- Analyzer availability of minim. 98%
- Maintenance and service max. 15 minutes/ week
- Very low operating and maintenance costs
We are the TOC Leaders™
Monitor TOC, COD, BOD, TN, and Toxicity Impurities in all Types of Water
Monitor TOC, COD, BOD, TN, and Toxicity Impurities in all Types of Water

- Ultra-pure water
- Pure water
- Drinking water
- Surface water
- Wastewater
- Dual stream measurement
- Ambient air preparation unit
- CO2-remover
- Humidity sensor
- Pressure sensor
- IP54 (Standard)
- ATEX Zone I
- ATEX Zone II
AMERICAS: info.americas@process-insights.com
EMEAI (includes India): info.emeai@process-insights.com
APAC: info.apac@process-insights.com
CHINA: info.cn@process-insights.com
QuickTOCuv is an online measuring system that determines the parameter TOC using the UV persuphate method. In addition, different versions of the measuring device can be supplied and it can thus also be used in Ex zones. TOC determination is carried out in accordance with the standards DIN EN 1484:1997 and US-EPA 415.2.

Monitor TOC, COD, BOD, TNb, and Toxicity Impurities in all Types of Water

