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Chilled Mirror
Hygrometry Technology

Chilled Mirror Hygrometry Technology

Chilled mirror hygrometry is a type of humidity measurement technique that uses a chilled surface to measure the dew point temperature of a gas or air sample. The dew point temperature is the temperature at which the water vapor in a gas or air sample begins to condense into liquid form.

In chilled mirror hygrometry, a small mirror is cooled down to a temperature below the expected dew point temperature of the sample being analyzed. The sample is then passed over the surface of the mirror. As the water vapor in the sample comes into contact with the chilled mirror, it condenses onto the mirror’s surface and forms tiny droplets.

Chilled mirror hygrometry is a highly accurate and precise technique for measuring humidity levels, as it directly measures the dew point temperature of the sample. It is also a reliable technique for detecting low levels of humidity, as it can measure dew points as low as -90°C or even lower. Additionally, chilled mirror hygrometry is a simple and robust technique that requires little maintenance, making it a popular choice for industrial and laboratory applications.

Some common applications of chilled mirror hygrometry include monitoring humidity levels in clean rooms, measuring humidity in natural gas pipelines, and analyzing the moisture content of various gases in industrial processes.

The temperature of the mirror is measured precisely using a sensitive temperature sensor, such as a resistance temperature detector (RTD). The dew point temperature is then determined by comparing the temperature of the mirror to the temperature at which the water vapor in the sample begins to condense on the mirror’s surface.

Process Insights_MBW Model 973_chilled mirror hygrometer

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