Lab spectoscopy for liquid, vapor or gas measurements
Is Lab Spectroscopy the Right Technology to Choose?
Use this flowchart to figure out if spectroscopy is the best measurement technology for your laboratory application. If you reach the purple box (wavelength unknow) in this flowchart you can complete the Application Questionnaire and the experts at Guided Wave will help you. There is also more information on the how to select an analyzer page. Want to send us a question? Use the contact us button below.
Select the product name below for more information about each of these Guided Wave and ANALECT analyzers:
The Benchtop or LAB 508 UV-VIS™ is a fiber optic, UV-VIS spectrometer system packaged for use in either laboratory or pilot plant environments. The small size allows for use in many locations. In monitoring mode, up to 16 parameters may be measured, making it suitable for many applications in chemical and polymer plants, refining and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals and other specialty chemicals, paints and varnishes, adhesives, wastewater management, biotech, etc. The software runs on an external computer connected to the analyzer via USB.
The RefinIRTM analyzer is a fully integrated laboratory autosampler and FTIR instrument designed to measure liquid hydrocarbons including gasoline, diesel and crude oils in a single autosampler. The ANALECT® RefinIRTM delivers automated spectral data acquisition of multiple liquid refinery stream samples from crude oils to blended gasoline and diesel.
LAB NIR-O was engineered to enable calibrations developed in the lab to be moved directly to a NIR-O process analyzer in the field. This allows seamless and precise data transfer with high accuracy and reliability. The LAB NIR-O is a 6 channel near-infrared (1000-2100 nm) analyzer. It includes the Stability Monitoring System (SMS) filter and scripts for routine validation of hardware and optical performance.
- FT-NIR Diamond MXTM Analyzer
The Diamond MXTM FT-NIR analyzer is configured for both rackmount or benchtop applications. It provides rapid, accurate and stable real-time monitoring of physical properties and chemical composition of liquids, solids and gases, with just one instrument. Its rackmount chassis fits all standard 19″ racks and comes with nine different sampling devices can be used with the same ANALECT® Diamond MXTM analyzer including transmission and gas cells, diffuse reflectance heads, fiber-optic flow-through cells and NIR immersion probes.