Emissions Monitoring
Analytical Solutions for Emissions Monitoring
Emissions Monitoring
What is 40 CFR Part 63?
The EPA 40 CFR Part 63 is a set of regulations established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for hazardous air pollutants not covered by National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 63, commonly known as “40 CFR Part 63,” is a set of regulations established by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Specifically, Part 63 deals with National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) for various industries and processes. These regulations are designed to protect public health and the environment by limiting emissions of hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) from specific sources. Part 63 sets emission standards for different types of industrial facilities, such as chemical manufacturing plants, petroleum refineries, and other operations that release potentially harmful pollutants into the air.
Emissions monitoring is a critical component of compliance with these standards. Facilities subject to Part 63 regulations are required to implement control technologies and practices to minimize their emissions of HAPs. Monitoring of emissions is necessary to ensure that these control measures are effectively reducing pollutant releases to levels that meet or are below the specified regulatory limits.
Under EPA 40 CFR Part 63, facilities must install, operate, and maintain monitoring equipment to continuously or periodically measure emissions of hazardous air pollutants. This monitoring equipment may include devices such as continuous emission monitors (CEMs), stack gas analyzers, or other monitoring systems specified by the regulations.

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NEW Tiger Optics™ T-I Max AIR
Elevate your environmental monitoring with the new T-I Max AIRTM Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) Gas Analyzer from Process Insights. This cutting-edge analyzer delivers continuous, real-time monitoring of CO2, CH4, and H2O, making it an optimal solution for reporting mole fraction and monitoring atmospheric greenhouse gases.

Our solutions include:
- Injection Style Heating Value Analyzer for Zero-Hydrocarbon Emissions COSA XENTAUR™ 9800 CXi ™ Calorimeter
- Handheld Multi-Gas Emissions Analyzer COSA XENTAUR™ 707 CXc™
- In-Situ, Stack Gas Oxygen Analyzer COSA XENTAUR™ Zircomat™
- In Situ O2 and COe for Combustion Monitoring for Burner Optimization COSA XENTAUR™ O2CX™ Monitor
- Real-time monitoring of CO2, CH4, and H2O, TIGER OPTICS™ T-I Max AIR™ Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Gas Analyzer

The American Standardization of Testing Methods (ASTM) published the ASTM D5453 method specifically for the petroleum industry, covering the determination of the total sulfur content in liquid petroleum products by ultraviolet fluorescence detection. Our EXCIMER UVF Technology for Total Sulfur and Total Nitrogen is the principal technology used in all our online and elemental analyzers.
The ATOM INSTRUMENT™ SGA-1000™ Sulfur in Gas Analyzer is a cutting-edge online process analyzer that employs patented Excimer UV Fluorescence (EUVF) Technology to accurately measure Total Sulfur in various refinery process applications. With the fastest analysis time among commercially available analyzers, the SGA-1000 allows for user-defined, multiple cycle averaging to enhance performance. Its intuitive and user-friendly operating software ensures ease of use. Moreover, the SGA-1000 operates efficiently with only bottled air and does not necessitate installation within a shelter. The SGA-1000 with EUVF is a field-proven technology that utilizes an excitation wavelength that achieves high detection sensitivity and detector stability.
Our solutions also include:
- Fast, Multi-Cycle Total Sulfur Gas Analyzer ATOM INSTRUMENT™ SGA-1000™
- Real-Time Total Sulfur in Liquids Analyzer ATOM INSTRUMENT™ SLA-1000™
- Real-Time Laboratory Total Sulfur and Total Nitrogen in Liquid and Gases ATOM INSTRUMENT™ XT-2000™
- Industrial Mass Spectrometers for Real-Time, Multi-Stream Fuel Compliance and Control EXTREL™ MAX300-RTG™ 2.0

A gas flare is a gas combustion control used in petroleum refineries, chemical plants and natural gas processing plants. flare stacks are primarily used for burning off flammable gas released by safety valves during unplanned over-pressuring of plant equipment. The emissions are made up of both inorganic and organic species. Flaring releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere.
Flaring releases various pollutants, including greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. Flare gas analysis helps quantify the emissions by measuring the concentration of these gases. Accurate emission quantification is crucial for evaluating the environmental impact, assessing compliance with regulatory requirements, and establishing baseline data for emission reduction efforts.
Flare gas analysis allows for the assessment of flare combustion efficiency. Incomplete or inefficient combustion during flaring can lead to the formation of pollutants such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and soot. By analyzing the composition of flare gas, operators can evaluate the combustion efficiency, identify any areas of improvement, and optimize flare operation to minimize the formation of pollutants.
Our solutions also include:
- Total Sulfur Gas Analyzer ATOM INSTRUMENT™ FGA-1000™
- Injection Style Heating Value Analyzer for Zero-Hydrocarbon Emissions for BTU and Flare control COSA XENTAUR™ 9800 CXi™ Calorimeter
- Real-Time Mass Spectrometers for Compliance and Flare Control EXTREL™ MAX300-RTG™ 2.0

Benzene is a highly hazardous chemical known to cause serious health effects, including cancer, when exposed to high concentrations or for prolonged periods. Refineries often have workers in close proximity to benzene sources, such as storage tanks, process units, or transfer areas. Fenceline monitoring helps ensure that workers are not exposed to excessive levels of benzene, providing a safer working environment and minimizing the risk of occupational illnesses.
Fugitive emissions are a significant source of pollution and produced by industry, refineries, energy production, and natural gas pipelines. 40 CFR § 63.658 fenceline monitoring was created to better protect and inform nearby communities, while also strengthening emission controls for flares, pressure relief devices, storage tanks, and delayed coker operations. Its purpose is to reduce hazardous air pollutants by requiring the sites to sample along the facility property boundary to measure the ambient air concentration of a specific chemical at the property line of the manufacturing site.
Refinery benzene fenceline monitoring plays a vital role in ensuring compliance with the Refinery Sector Rule (RSR), which is a set of regulations established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce emissions and protect the environment and public health from harmful air pollutants emitted by petroleum refineries.
Our solutions also include:
- Percent and Trace Oxygen Analyzers, and Oxygen Deficiency Safety Monitors ALPHA OMEGA INSTRUMENTS™ Series 2000™ and ZRO2000™
- CRDS for Real-Time, Trace Methane, CO2, and Formaldehyde TIGER OPTICS T-I Max™
- Benchtop Mass Spectrometers for Real-Time, ppb-level, Multi-Impurity Analysis EXTREL™ MAX300-LG™
- FTIR Environmental Vapor Monitoring Analyzer ANALECT EVM™
- Real-Time Air Mass Spectrometer for Environmental Health and Safety EXTREL™ MAX300-AIR™

CEMS is a critical tool for environmental monitoring because it provides continuous, real-time data on emissions from industrial processes. CEMS systems measure various air pollutants, including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. These pollutants can have significant impacts on air quality and public health, so it is crucial to monitor them continuously.
CEMS provides real-time and continuous monitoring of emissions from industrial sources. This enables immediate detection and response to any deviations or exceedances of emission limits. Real-time data allows for timely corrective actions, minimizing the duration and extent of potential environmental impacts. Continuous monitoring ensures that emissions stay within permissible limits and helps operators demonstrate compliance through accurate and reliable data. CEMS data is often used for regulatory reporting, reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties and legal repercussions.
Our solutions also include:
- Handheld Multigas Emissions Analyzer COSA XENTAUR™ 707 CXc™
- In Situ O2 and COe for Combustion Monitoring for Burner Optimization COSA XENTAUR™ O2CX™ Monitor
- In-Situ, Stack Gas Oxygen Analyzer COSA XENTAUR™ Zircomat™
- Real-Time Mass Spectrometer for ppb-Level, Multi-Impurity Analysis EXTREL™ MAX300-LG™
- CRDS CEMs analyzers for HCI, HF, NH3 and more

Greenhouse gases are a group of gases that are released into the atmosphere from various human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere and contribute to climate change.
In the fight against climate change, monitoring greenhouse gas emissions caused by industrial processes plays a crucial role. Industrial activities are major contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, which directly contribute to the greenhouse effect and global warming. Monitoring and tracking these emissions are vital for several reasons, including understanding environmental impacts, complying with regulations, improving sustainability efforts, and driving effective mitigation strategies.
Our TIGER OPTICS™ CRDS (Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy) analyzers are highly sensitive and accurate instruments used for greenhouse gas monitoring, including the measurement of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor in various applications. They offer exceptional sensitivity, allowing them to detect and measure trace levels of greenhouse gases accurately. These analyzers can detect concentrations as low as parts per billion (ppb) or even parts per trillion (ppt), ensuring precise measurements of the emissions. Also, our CRDS gas analyzers are known for their high accuracy and precision, ensuring reliable and consistent measurements of emissions. This accuracy is essential when monitoring emissions for compliance with regulatory requirements.
Elevate your environmental monitoring with the new T-I Max AIR Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) Gas Analyzer from Process Insights. This cutting-edge analyzer delivers continuous, real-time monitoring of CO2, CH4, and H2O, making it an optimal solution for reporting mole fraction and monitoring atmospheric greenhouse gases. DOWNLOAD T-I Max AIR_Datasheet
Utilizing the TIGER OPTICS™ Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy Technology, a sensitive measurement technique meeting the requirements and standards of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the T-I Max AIR complies with stringent traceability and precision standards crucial for major national reference labs. Its exceptional precision measures atmospheric concentrations for each analyte in parts-per-billion (ppb).
Capable of accurately reporting dry mole fraction, the T-I Max AIR integrates into a compact footprint that is both robust and cost-effective. Its resilience to common interferences solidifies its reputation as a consistently reliable choice for air quality and greenhouse gas monitoring. Experience the advantages of low ownership costs and easy user-friendly operation with the T-I Max AIR – eliminating the need for regular sensor replacement or maintenance.

Continuous Emissions Monitoring
Industrial manufacturing operations are subject to strict environmental regulations and emission standards imposed by local, regional, and national governing bodies. Continuous Emissions Monitoring ensures that industries stay in compliance with these regulations by providing real-time data on pollutant emissions. This monitoring helps industries avoid penalties, legal issues, and reputational damage associated with non-compliance.
Industrial manufacturing processes can release a wide range of pollutants into the air, including greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter, and toxic substances. These emissions can have adverse effects on human health, contribute to air pollution, and harm ecosystems. Continuous Emissions Monitoring allows industries to identify and quantify the emissions of these harmful substances, enabling them to take necessary measures to mitigate their impact and protect human health and the environment.
Our COSA XENTAUR O2CX Oxygen and COe Analyzer is the ideal choice to optimize fuel efficiency on most combustion sources and for stack oxygen applications. It has several significant advantages over other oxygen transmitters. This versatile, multi-gas, oxygen, and COe analyzer is for continuous emissions monitoring (CEM) in industrial plants, power generation, refineries, engines, turbines, pulp and paper, cement, and more.
Our COSA XENTAUR™ 707 CXC™ Compact Handheld Emissions Analyzer is a portable, battery-operated device designed to measure and analyze emissions from a wide range of combustion sources. And the COSA XENTAUR™ ZIRCOMAT™ Zirconia Stack Oxygen Gas Analyzer for CEM offers LDLs in ppb or ppt of NH3, HCl, HF, H2S, COe, NO, CH4, and more. The analyzer can measure oxygen concentrations from trace levels up to 100%, making them suitable for a variety of applications.
Experience cutting-edge gas analysis with our TIGER OPTICS T-I Max CEM CRDS gas analyzer, which accurately detects a range of species including NH3, HCl, HF, H2S, and CH4. Leveraging our advanced Continuous-Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy, the T-I Max delivers unparalleled performance and rapid response times. It’s also a trusted solution for meeting MATS HCl compliance requirements.”